If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself!- Якщо ти хочеш бути кимось, кимось дійсно особливим, будь собою!

Docendo discimus!

Навчаючи, вчимося самі!

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” ― Dr. Seuss

неділя, 29 листопада 2015 р.

Form 10-11
     Watch Epic Split and do the following tasks.

1. Vocabulary.
A split
Шпагат; розколина
To craft
Створювати, майстерно робити
To engineer
Проектувати, споруджувати
To set
Настрювати, наладжувати
To master
Справлятися, долати
Вибоїстий, ямкуватий
I’ve had my ups and downs
В мене були свої злети та падіння...
I’ve had my share of
Я отримав свою долю…

 2. Complete the sentences.
I’ve had my ups and downs - my  of bumpy roads and . That’s what made me what I am today. Now I stand here before you. What you see is a body crafted to perfection, a pair of legs engineered to  and a  set to master the  of splits. This test was set up to demonstrate the  and precision of Volvo Dynamic Steering. It was carried out by professionals in a closed-off area.

3. Complete the sentences with the phrases below.
couldn't be more critical; fix what cannot be fixed; no life to compare with it; have had your share; is treating; my ups and downs; appreciate; crafted to perfection; there is nothing to it; to be grateful for.
1. I know you  of problems. Don’t worry, it will get better!
2. Wow, this is delicious! I don’t think I will ever be able to cook something that good. – . Believe me, you’ll learn.
3. I have had , but that’s what life is. You have to deal with it.
4. Have you seen their latest phone? . – Yeah, these guys know what they are doing.
5. You must learn English! It  for your career.
6. My teenage daughter is very concerned about her appearance. – You should teach her  her natural beauty.
7. I can’t stop thinking about the lost tickets. - Don’t try . Let’s go get the new ones.
8. I hate that she  me like that. We have known each other for years.
9. We should learn to  more what our parents have done for us.
10. I enjoy being on vacations. You can lie in the sun and swim all days long. There is !

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